Indian River County info: (this is all taken directly from an email from Nathan McCollum, the county EOC guy)
Protective Actions for Indian River County are as follows:
Evacuations-All mobile homes and manufactured homes are under a mandatory evacuation as of 3:00pm today.
Shelters-The public shelters will open at 5:00pm, today. The shelters are Fellsmere Elementary School, Sebastian River Middle School, Freshman Learning Center, and the Oslo Middle School. The shelters will remain open to anyone until the storm is over.
Special Needs-The Special Needs Shelter which is Liberty Magnet School will be opening at 3:00pm today. Anyone who has registered for the special needs shelter can go after anytime after 3:00pm.
Voluntary Evacuations-Residents who are susceptible to severe beach erosion along the coast should consider evacuating if their is the possibility of undermining. Also, people who live along the Indian River Lagoon that are susceptible to flooding should consider leaving the area as the rainfall totals are unknown. Anyone living in low lying areas can use shelters or simply stay in an area that does not flood.
Bridges-All barrier island bridges will close at 6:00am, Monday.
All government buildings, including schools, are closed on Monday.
A general press conference will be held in the County Commission Chambers at 1:00pm today.
The next advisory will be this afternoon.
On the lighter side of Wilma prep. . .the county has temporarily removed some traffic lights (where there are 2+ ights for the same road). Guess their thinking is from the "Lessons Learned Department" after Frances and Jeanne. . .it takes too long and costs too much to replace them. Even more amusing, I've noticed that most porta-potties are laying down. Perhaps the construction companies? The porta-potty fairy? I don't know. I woke this morning and noticed that the 10 or so of them on my street were on their sides. Yes, there's that many on my street, we're not that backwards here in Sebastian! Just a lot of home growth going on lately.
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