Actually, check NWS tonight for a new forecast. Ed Rappaport was just quoted on the local news as saying that, "the circulation is expanding." So, that means the TS force winds may extend out FURTHER than previously forecast.
Actually this is exactly what was forecasted, even before now, that it would expand. There's been much discussion in the discussions about Wilma transitioning into a Extratropical mid-latitude type system. These have much more expanded wind fields. Nothing really should change at all with the forecast, because that's what its based upon now.
It's likely that Tampa really won't see much more than low end Tropical Storm winds, in a few squalls. The wind will be steady though there., but below tropical storm force for the most part. Orlando too fairly much the same, but slightly stronger winds, and of course stronger the further south and east you go. Roughly draw the line from the West Coast hurricane warning to the east coast hurricane warning to get a good idea where the high end tropical storm/hurricane force winds likely will be.
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