Yeah. It's actually been quite boring whenever there's a typhoon or super-typhoon. Sometimes seasonal heavy rainstorms do more damages. There's virtually no structure that can't withstand even a tornado in Hong Kong (maybe people paying too much for houses here can at least say they live in a fortress). And to give you an idea, people don't live in sampan or village huts and stuff like that. The airport and subway here are state-of-the-art, won plenty of world architectural awards for their hi-tech design etc. Hong Kong has very sophisticated flood channel system. I think Discovery should do a program on flood prevention system (maybe they have?? I don't know *shrug). It's so modern and well-prepared for stuff like typhoons it's almost sick. Afterall, they have been directly struck by tens (and indirectly hit by hundreds) of typhoons over the past few decades. But yes I do think this one can break a few more trees and damage some of the thousands of Mercedes Benzes and BMWs here this time. And I'm sure people will cry for a day or two lost in punting stocks and trading futures.
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