Agree with all that has been said with regards to Felix's organization. To conclude that Felix is now bombing and is a major hurricane is a foregone conclusion at this point. It's likely going to be largely a matter of internal structure, interactions with land, whether or not upwelling of any significance occurs, as to whether or not his first landfall is at 3, 4, or 5. To hope that interaction with the ULL to his NW will do the trick, while possible, is simply looking less and less possible. If anything, upper-level winds have become only all the more favorable for further strengthening. Indeed, the CIMSS automated Dvorak intensity estimate already has Felix running a CI of 5.4 based on the 3-hour average, but 6.6 raw.
Switching gears a bit, it's becoming hard to argue against the likelihood of an invest tag soon being hoisted on the low of non-tropical origins hugging the SE coast just off of Georgia, as it takes on more and more tropical characteristics, and appears to be breaking with the frontal umbilical cord.
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