Quote: Any one think that Felix is starting to take on a more annuler look? do you think he'll be a annuler hurricane.
You could probably have done this type or research your self....but I have a moment:
Wikipedia defines them as having large, symmetric eyes surrounded by a ring of intense convection.
This has a small eye, but it does carry that ring characteristic with striking clarity!
The write-up also cautions that many strong storms take on similarities to annular hurricanes in some of the criteria. That may be more what is taking place here.
The term and science of annular hurricanes are relatively new in the lexicon and knowledge of the field, so not much is yet understood about their behavior.
Right now it does not appear to be an annular system and since not much is known about them, it is virtually impossible to predict whether this will evolve into one. Isabel was an annular system at one time and if you look at sat pictures of her during that: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Hurricane_Isabel.JPG Courtacy Wikipedia! ...you can see some definite difference to this system at this time.
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