Did not want to log in but had to with the other comments posted here.If you look at history from this area in the past 5 different times i can find where models have had it coming up the west coast of Florida but ending up in different far away places.
SO #1 we have history which says from here up the west coast of Florida is very low.
# 2 It was noted the Hwrf model run did not finish and this is NOT true it did finish and it is moved way west to near the euro.
What does all this mean in reality? IMO it means watch the storm and IF and When it gets its act together then we can start to think where it might go.All it is now is guessing.
I know this is the forecast lounge and people give there thoughts so my thought is anything past Friday is a pure guess that is my track
But wanted to point out the other model run did finish the HWRF and it is moved way west from its last run.
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