Quote: This is my major concern. It is not an organized Cat 1 or 2 storm. The bad weather is in several areas far from the center that is being tracked. The storm could go through the keys and S Florida will be on the "dirty side' and see huge amounts of erratic rainfall, high winds and flooding and they have been lulled into security thinking it's tracking far to the West. There are memories of storms ... HURRICANES that did that and we in miami got very little. This is a different set up... and it is still "coming together" and when it is in the middle of the Straits we will see what happened...by then Miami and other areas far away might already have had severe weather.
Storms like this are harder to predict in ways than neat, compact, small Cat 2s
Another great post,my guard is very much up tonight.I am very surprised on how strong the winds and waves are here on the beach tonight.This has been a crazy system to say the least,and I think it may have a surprise up it's sleeve.
Survived: 10 hurricanes in Rhode Island,Florida and the Yucatan of Mexico .
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