They aren't talking to much about the Gulf Coast, well they have on and off. I'm not being critical, I just wish they had a crystal ball. lol I'm in Panama City up in the Panhandle. When do we think we will have a better understanding of forecast track info?
I live with my 84 year old Mom. she's old and I'm chronically ill. We have no family or friends to help.
My parents lost their house in Hurricane Opal 1995 and were displaced for a year. We had to mandatory evacuate then and they lived in town. the sheriffs were going door to door telling people to leave, if they wouldn't they gave them body bags and asked them to write #s for next of kin on their arms. The local media even left. They did not reverse flow the traffic so we sat on I-10 for 7 hours in bumper to bumper traffic as far as you could see with a lot of hysterical people. No police anywhere. People coming from Pensacola, Ft. Walton and then P.C. were all alone on I-10. When the weather started coming in we actually thought we were going to die on I-10, sounds funny to me now but it was pretty scary. Just a bit of background and I'm new here.
Yes, I'm fretting a bit right now!
Its nice to meet everyone and if I'm not posting proper info I'll be in the graveyard, right? lol Laura
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