Quote: 0z GFS, corrected south this run,but still a tad too north, either way goes over Turks and Caicos Cat 4/5 on Friday, goes just south of Andros Island in the Bahamas Saturday night, (Southern tip catches eyewall), starts to turn north just west of the Island. eastern eyewall over Andros. Over Bimini as a cat 5 Sunday Morning. West eyewall is over miami. 30 miles east of WPB on midday Sunday.
Shift back west, but still offshore Florida. init was a bit too far north, it'll be a close call either way, I'd bet on another west shift later. It shifted 65 miles closer to Florida this run.
Hasn't GFS been east for most of the life of Irma. Euro has had this westerly track pegged for several days...that's gotta be why NHC is sticking close to that ensemble....
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