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Posts: 4635
Loc: Orlando, FL
Jeanne Inland in the Southeast
      #32945 - Mon Sep 27 2004 09:43 AM

Jeanne, now a weakening Tropical Storm, is now inland in Georgia after making the turn northward yesterday.

The center of Jeanne is located in Central Georgia currently, causing wind and rain.

Damage along the coast from storm surge was greater this time than in Frances, including our place in New Smyrna Beach which lost the beach walkway and about 8 feet of concrete walkway behind the seawall.

Jeanne will eventually move up and out to sea around the North Carolina/Virginia borders, weakening the entire time. It may hold its own again once its out to sea, but that should be the end of Jeanne.

Lisa is already destined to be a fish spinner... so that leaves us with...

NOTHING! Hold a party... no storms currently. The season isn't over yet, but there is no discernable storm threats in the forseeable future.

Skeetobite shows the paths of all three central Florida storms...

Event Related Links

You can find links to County Emergency Management offices at
Jeanne Color Satellite
Various Audio/Video Feeds from hurricane affected areas
Hurricane Local Statements for Weather Offices in:
All Current Hurricane Local Statements

Mark Sudduth is doing video updates as he heads toward Vero to set up his reasearch team. Check on it here.
Hurricanetrack HIRT vehicle (camera, and more)

Jeanne Models -- This image animated over time
Karl Models -- This image animated over time
Lisa Models -- This image animated over time
Jeanne Sphagehtti Model from BoatUS/Hurricane Alley
Jeanne Plots from Weather Underground
Jeanne Satelllite Image with track/radar Overlays

Jeanne Radar Image

Forecast Discussions for (Show All Locations):
Tampa. Miami, Key West, Jacksonville.

General Links
Skeetobite's storm track maps

Current Aircraft Recon Info (Decoded) thanks Londovir
Other Recon Info

NRL Monterey Marine Meteorology Division Forecast Track of Active Systems (Good Forecast Track Graphic and Satellite Photos)

Check the Storm Forum from time to time for comments on any new developing system.

Follow worldwide SST evolution here:

Global SST Animation

NASA GHCC Interactive Satellite images at:

North Atlantic Visible (Daytime Only), Infrared, Water Vapor
LSU Sat images

RAMSDIS Satellite Images (high speed)

Some forecast models:

DoD Weather Models (NOGAPS, AVN, MRF)
Multi-model plots from Mid-Atlantic Weather
Other commentary at, Robert Lightbown/Crown Weather Tropical Update Accuweather's Joe Bastardi (now subcriber only unfortunately), Hurricane Alley North Atlantic Page, (Mark Sudduth), HurricaneVille, Cyclomax (Rich B.), Hurricane City , mpittweather , WXRisk, Gary Gray's Millennium Weather, storm2k, Barometer Bob's Hurricane Hollow, Snonut,

Even more on the links page.

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Weather Hobbyist

Posts: 76
Loc: Mount Dora, FL 32757
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: MikeC]
      #32947 - Mon Sep 27 2004 09:59 AM

Good Morning everyone. I am home now and we got power back last night about 7 pm, according to the neighbors. Remember, I was at work and my husband and kids were in Tampa. Well, I need a new roof. The east side of my roof is down to the plywood in spots and paper everywhere else. The yard is mess but thankfully nothing hit the house. Thank God we're all ok.

Angie Robertson
"So others may live"

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Weather Hobbyist

Posts: 80
Loc: Bryan, TX
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: MikeC]
      #32948 - Mon Sep 27 2004 10:03 AM

Gainesville here... I don't know about damage to the city yet, but locally things look good. As of about 10pm, only 15% of the city had lost power (compared to 70% during Frances). The wind gusts seemed stronger, but I guess Frances wiped out most of the weak brances and trees. All schools and offices are closed today as well. It's still breazy outside, but looking better by the minute. And, there's this big bright orange circle in the sky. No one really knows what it is and its got my wife freaking out because it feels life we haven't seen it in ages

Brad Shumbera

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Posts: 4635
Loc: Orlando, FL
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: MikeC]
      #32949 - Mon Sep 27 2004 10:04 AM

Congratulations to Jason Kelley, and I hope everyone here did ok in Jeanne.

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Verified CFHC User

Posts: 14
Loc: Maitland, FL
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: VandyBrad]
      #32950 - Mon Sep 27 2004 10:15 AM

Here reporting from Maitland, FL (northern Orlando 'burb) - amazingly very little damage in our old oak lined neighborhood - most of it already came down with Charley and Frances. My company has clients in Brevard, Volusia, Osceola and Polk counties, though, where there is more and more damage for those folks to deal with. Also a sister company in Orange Park, south of Jax, has no power - so it's all around. Personally, our house kept power until the very end of the major winds, but power came back on and was out no more than an hour or so, unlike the first 2 times when we were out for many days. We are grateful for our good fortune - prayers go out to all those on the coast and closer to the eye than we were. Glad too that there are no other imminent threats - can we let our guard down for a few minutes now?

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Verified CFHC User

Posts: 16
Loc: Florida Native - Bartow (Polk ...
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: poetdi]
      #32951 - Mon Sep 27 2004 10:34 AM

BARTOW: I just got home from Special Needs Shelter duty, been othere since 4pm yesterday. Went in between bands on the back side of the storm. Lots of trees have thrown themselves out of the ground - wires down, no electricity in most of the town, dawn to dusk curfew. I hear chainsaws in the distance and hear big trucks moving. Signs of recovery. But no ice or comfort stations yet.

Darn - my freezer is thawed . . .AGAIN!

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Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: MikeC]
      #32952 - Mon Sep 27 2004 10:40 AM


NOTHING! Hold a party... no storms currently. The season isn't over yet, but there is no discernable storm threats in the forseeable future.

Sure wish we could get 2 weekends in a row. But it looks like something trying to spin up in the southern Caribbean. NOGAPS shows something off central america ~144 hrs out. Maybe the second half, looks like this weekend will be ok.

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Verified CFHC User

Posts: 24
Loc: Davenport, FL
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: Anon]
      #32955 - Mon Sep 27 2004 10:58 AM

Davenport, Polk County here. Sun is out, light breeze. Just got power back. It went out about 7AM yesterday. Man, what an experience. I stayed up on the back porch all Saturday night as it came throughj and just watched it unfold. We lost a few shingles off the roof but considering the strenght of this one, not bad. We didn't even lose our privacy fence that I thouoght was going to come down for sure. In this part of the county, Jeanne was definitely worse than any of the other ones. Hope everyone out there is OK.

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Verified CFHC User

Posts: 23
Loc: Orlando, FL
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: Humanriff]
      #32958 - Mon Sep 27 2004 11:08 AM

Did okay by OIA as well. Apt complex lost some trees, watched LOTS of transformers blow so there are probably lots of locals with no power but yet again - Somebody was watching out for us - lost power for 6.5 hours. That has been 3 storms in a row with 6.5 hour power outages - how weird. It is just long enough to make you miss it but not long enough to spoil the food in the fridge Hubby went to work today and said there are a lot of traffic lights out, so if you can stay home in Orlando, DO! I am not going to be able to heed my own advice - gotta get out and get to work.
See ya'll later! Thanks again for all that you have helped me learn about hurricanes and for the support duinrg a rather trying season

Oh and BTW Jason - congrats on the little one - can you post some pix here for us to see when you get a minute -(Yeah right he won't have spare minutes until she goes to college)

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Weather Watcher

Posts: 33
Loc: Richmond Hill, GA
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: Cathy]
      #32959 - Mon Sep 27 2004 11:26 AM

To my neighbors in Florida, I'm so sorry you've been hit again. Help is on the way from your neighbors in GA, just as soon as Jeanne gets by us.

I can only speak for most of us that are right on the coast when I say that we've been spared any major destruction. Jeanne is a mere shell of herself now. It's pretty windy on my little island at the moment, but it's nothing compared to what you folks in Florida have gone through. Like I said in an earlier post somewhere on this board, I'm 20 minutes by boat to the ocean, and not much land separates me from the Atantic, mostly marsh . Gusts are probably up to 50-55 tops, and those are few and far between. However, the tide is coming in right now, and the Ogeechee is fast and WILD. My neighbor's floating dock is now taller than his stationary dock, and the ramp is up in the air. The tidal ditch that runs along side his house is filled with water, with more water to come because the tide is far from high. It's possible that the Ogeechee could spill into my back yard a little. Time will tell. I suspect that the little asphalt road (that is eye level with the marsh) that rides me onto my island will be covered by water when the tide reaches its peak. I'll probably be stranded here for a few hours until the tide goes out. This has happened before, especially with high spring tides and is nothing new. My major concern at the moment are tornadoes. We're under a tornado watch for most of the day. Hopefully, they will not materialize. I hate those things!!!! And it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see a waterspout in the distance. Ugh!

I do know one thing, if more than a category 1 hurricane is forecasted to hit me, I'm outta here! Just looking at my river right now is enough to convince me that it would not be wise to stay home and ride out the storm. My island would be under water for sure.

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Weather Watcher

Posts: 33
Loc: Ocala, FL
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: clueless]
      #32960 - Mon Sep 27 2004 11:28 AM

Ocala here. Debris on the roads not as bad as Frances. Guess she cleaned out all the dead wood. We have power at our office in Downtown Ocala, but everyone I work with spread out around Marion County is without power. A lot of street lights out, so driving is difficult. Saw the back of one building completely demolished. The bricks are lying all over the street. One of my co-workders has a tree through his garage, major damage there. But haven't heard of any fatalies in the Marion County area, so thankful for that.

Hope everyone else did as well as we did here.

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Weather Master

Posts: 1184
Loc: fl
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: clueless]
      #32961 - Mon Sep 27 2004 11:28 AM

Center basically came within 2-3 miles of me where it got bright and the winds calmed then it moved on to the NNW.I was without power for 21 hrs and it came back on at 1030am today. Im alot better off then alot of others of course. Anyways Jeanne did what I expected,, landfall was just 10 miles to the north of projection but then merged with the path I had over the state then it should exit close to or just north of Norfolk VA. After being downgraded they might make her back up to a TS or keep her Extra tropical a day after she moves offshore. Dont matter really.
Anyways next threats to the U.S. will be from underneath in the carribean and the Gulf starting over the weekend. Right now its a wait and see and nothing will really threatn until next week if anything at all. So we all have 4-5days off.

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Weather Watcher

Posts: 33
Loc: Richmond Hill, GA
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: scottsvb]
      #32962 - Mon Sep 27 2004 11:39 AM


Anyways next threats to the U.S. will be from underneath in the carribean and the Gulf starting over the weekend. Right now its a wait and see and nothing will really threatn until next week if anything at all. So we all have 4-5days off.

Scott, you did such an excellent job of forecasting Jeanne's track. On behalf of myself and countless others, thank you for a job well done.

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LI Phil

Posts: 2637
Loc: Long Island (40.7N 73.6W)
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: scottsvb]
      #32963 - Mon Sep 27 2004 11:41 AM

Hey all,

Guess those who have already checked back in are the lucky ones...thanks for the updates...I'm sure more of you will check in when you can as more power is restored...sounds like it was bad but it could have been worse.

As Mike & Scott have already said, we should have a week (and hopefully a month) without any worries, but we'll remain vigilant nonetheless...

In case any one missed it, Jason Kelley is now the proud papa of a baby girl, details of her are on the previous thread.

Everybody stay safe...let's hope this is the LAST of it for the season...

2005 Forecast: 14/7/4


"If your topic ain't tropic, your post will be toast"

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Weather Master

Posts: 1184
Loc: fl
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: LI Phil]
      #32964 - Mon Sep 27 2004 11:42 AM

Ty Terri, I try my best. Its a challenge.

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LI Phil

Posts: 2637
Loc: Long Island (40.7N 73.6W)
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: scottsvb]
      #32965 - Mon Sep 27 2004 11:46 AM

Yeah, Scottsvb (I think I thanked you already, but if I didn't then) Thanks! I didn't do too bad myself, but you absolutely nailed it...

Agree with you also that the homebrew threats are probably our most pressing concern in the future...CV season will be shutting down soon and there ain't nuthin' out for the fishspinner Lisa...only thing of interest with her is can she reach hurricane status...that'll affect the numbers for the season.

Cheers & Thanks Scott!

2005 Forecast: 14/7/4


"If your topic ain't tropic, your post will be toast"

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Verified CFHC User

Posts: 16
Loc: Florida Native - Bartow (Polk ...
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: LI Phil]
      #32966 - Mon Sep 27 2004 11:58 AM

Power back on!! (Charley wait was 8 days - this just 36 hours)

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Liz L.
Weather Watcher

Posts: 36
Loc: St Cloud, Florida
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: LI Phil]
      #32967 - Mon Sep 27 2004 12:05 PM

St Cloud reporting in. we lost power around 4 am sunday morning had powwer restored around 7 pm sunday night. I feel blessed that we got it back so quick. according to weather officals here we had gusts anywhere up to 110 here. Lost a few shingles on the house, neighbors house lost the entire layer of shingles, other neighbors lost sheds etc. Federal crews are going thru looking for people that need temp. roofs courtesy of FEMA. I had large braches from the oak tree in my front yard come down and bang the roof( no damage we can see) and hit the covering we had over the front door. i have a lake forming in my backyard. Cant clean it up yet cause of it being to soggy. And i am awaiting the city to come look at their oak tree in my front yard its leaning towards my house and i think the only think keeping it up is the 6 inches of cement that i call my driveway. If it decides to fall i can stand to lose 3 cars and my house due to the citys neglingence of the tree. SO i am hoping now they take the buggar out before it falls. Many streets and roads are flooded here too. Thats all i have to report from storm ravaged Osceola county at this time.

Edited by Liz L. (Mon Sep 27 2004 12:09 PM)

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Weather Guru

Posts: 116
Loc: Port St. Lucie, Fl
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: MikeC]
      #32968 - Mon Sep 27 2004 12:10 PM

Hi, to all. Winds here in Port St. Lucie probably gusted to around 120. It was definitely a stronger storm than Frances Three weeks earlier. Only minor damage to house and Yard. The usual fences, antennas, dishes, trees, screnrooms, roof shingles, soffit. No major structural damage but others in neighborhood not so fortunate.
St. Lucie county is really hurting and it will take a long time to cleanup and many months to get back to normal.
school was supposed to start back today from the Frances damage. I have heard alot of new damage has been done this round.
I had experienced numerous tropical storms and hurricanes over the years but had come to relize that probably had never seen more than CAt 1 conditions before this year.
Maybe gust to around 100mph with David in 79 and maybe with Cleo in 64. Frances was to a higher level , a solid cat 2 at least, and Jeanne took things to a new level.of Cat 3- of this I feel certain.
The whole aftermath routine is fresh in the minds of people and everyone from the press to local officials are acting with the knowledge so recently learned. It is hard to prioritize what to do next with the number of things needing attention now.
I wanted to check and see if anything else was brewing and to touch base with all here at CFHC. It is hard to see this smaller cheaper moniter. I down sized from my 19" to conserve battery power and ability to stay online and run 13" TV. Hope someone is taping some of what the press has put out on what has happened here. Someday I will want to watch it.

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Weather Master

Posts: 428
Loc: Port Saint Lucie, Florida, USA
Re: Jeanne Inland in the Southeast [Re: MikeC]
      #32969 - Mon Sep 27 2004 12:23 PM

Port Saint Lucie Here! Well it seems we have had a tough month and hopefully, since we know the drill, we can get power back to most places within 2 weeks and all places within 3.

The one thing that really troubles me is the fact that our schools have sustained much damage and would like to see our kids back as soon as possible as they have had no school SINCE Hurricane Frances (3 weeks now).

________2024 Forecast: 24/14/7________

There is little chance that meteorologists can solve the mysteries of weather until they gain an understanding of the mutual attraction of rain and weekends. ~Arnot Sheppard

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